Friday 24 October 2008



1. Attainment= For attainment i give my self a 3 due to me being able to work much harder which will push my attainment grade higher

2. Punctuality= i would give myself a 2 for punctuality as i am always punctual to all of my lessons with Mr bush.

3. Effort= For effort i would give my self a 2. I try hard and always try to push myself. However i must get on top of things with my coursework so it does not result to me falling behind.

4. Submission and quality of homework= The quality of my homework is good i would give my self a 2 for it.

5. ability to work independently= I'm capable to work independently as i have many ideas about the topics that we discuss in media such as the representation of women and due to my coursework being about it i find it much easier.

6. quality of writing= My quality of writing is average due to us not doing much written work in class. we mostly discuss what is going on in the media issues that are relevant to the role of women in society more than written work. However if we are not doing that then we are discussing our coursework.

7. organisation of media folder= the organisation of my media folder is excellent as i keep everything in to place and always tidy. However i need to remember to bring it to every lesson that i have.

8. oral contributions in class= My oral contributions are getting better as time goes along because i feel more confidant speaking allowed. i would rate myself a 3.

9. Standerd of module 5 blog= I would grade by blog a 2 because i always try and put as much detailed information and analysis on to it as i feel that it is important for me to always keep a record to make it easier for me when i write my essay.

10. Standard of module 6 blog= I would rate my module 6 a 3 because much more work can be done on it for it to be better.

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