Monday, 15 December 2008

THREE examples of historical adverts that feature women either as housewives or sex objects and modern representation of women

Shake and Vac advert

This advert is showing the typical stereotype of an housewife from the olden days. The housewife is represented to be proud and happy of what she is doing. She is singing a song of how cleaning should be done suggesting that this is her profession and this is the thing that she prefers doing. Her dress code is quite professional suggesting that she dresses how she is sup post to dress when going to work therefore this suggests that being a housewife is her profession.

Flash advert spring cleaning

This is another stereotypical advert suggesting that the women's role is just to be a housewife to clean the house and look after the children and also her appearance. Unlike the representation of women today representation of women in the past differ largely due to women in the past just being housewives however now most women are interested in their carers however they do not think about having children now. This advert is extremely sexist as it just shows one sex stereotypes to do this certain thing. It objectifies women in a negative way as it shows that they are not good for nothing apart from cleaning.

This advert is extremely sexist and can be seen as controversies. The two men are dressed as women suggesting that cleaning is a women's job and even though a man wants to represent it he has to dress up like a women. This can either be seen as humorous or offencive. The advert shows men who are sup post to be women on their knees scrubbing the floor suggesting that they are proud of doing this in front of people that are observing them.

Women represented as sexy and seductive in the 1980's

In this advert their is a women eating chocolate however due to it being in the 1950's when the freedom of women being able to be shown in the media just started the lady is not wearing reveling cloths and not exposing her body in any way. The representation of this particular women shows that she is innocent and can be seen as the Madonna instead of the whore.


  1. Advertisement has increased from 20 billion to 180 billion

  2. People are exposed to 3000 ads everyday

  3. three years is spent watching advertisements from a persons life.

  4. Advertisement is the foundation of the mass media

  5. Advertisements not only sell the product but they sell the image for example of an exposed women, romance, sexuality and freedom

  6. Advertisements tell people who they are or who they should be

  7. Women and advertising the most important thing that advertisements tell women is their image

  8. advertisements are full with ideal women beauty that women aspire to be like.

  9. women learn from a young age that they should be spending vast amounts of money time and effort to look their best and if they don't then they feel like they should be guilty.

  10. The advertisements show that the women never has any lines wrinkles her skin is always perfect and flawless showing the rest of the women that this is how they must be.

  11. 1 in 5 women have an eating disorder

  12. Advertisement has very critical roles between femininity and masculinity.

Modern women advertisements today.

Here is an advert which relates to Mulveys theory however not the male gaze the female gaze. Here the man can be seen as the one being exploited but the women is taking pleasure in what he is doing and saying. The whole advert is focused on the male most of the time it his on his very well toned body showing that this advert is mainly linked to women as women are seen to like chocolate after a bad day and due to a male advertising it more 'it will make the pleasure more intense'

MAN ABOUT THE HOUSE 1950-60's Mr. Clean 60 second Promo

This advert emphasises the fact of conjugal roles showing that the man is not ashamed to do the housework around the house. This advertisement shows that the man is doing the same as his wife and also singing along to the sound of cleaning suggesting that he is doing the women's stereotypical role.

Dolce and Gabana The one Man

This is another example of a female gaze on the man. The man is positioned as the main icon. Even though this is a male advertisement it still will engage the women's audience through the semi nudity of the man.

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