Wednesday, 26 November 2008

David Gaunlet text of representation in the past


Gunter (1995) This theory by Gunter suggests that women are represented as being weak, victimised showing that they are always represented as needing a man to help protect and support them.

In the 1950's 60's and 70's their was only a tiny proportion of female characters it was between 2o to 35%

When the late 1980's came their was more women acting in main roles however their was still the double amount of men.

Dyer (1987)

quotes that game shows did no bother to change their degrading and trivialising views of women. New programmes are accused of window dressing by including some women in key positions whilst retaining a male dominated culture

Sharon Smith (1970)

The role of women in a film always resolves around her physical attraction and mating games she plays with the male characters. however males are not shown purely in relation to the female characters but in servile different roles.

Sharon Smith- 'Women and film' (early 1970's):
The role of women in a film almost always resolves around her physical attraction and the mating games she plays with the male characters. On the other hand males are not purely shown in relation to the female characters, but in several different roles.

McNeil (1975) concluded that women's movement was largely ignored by television with married housewives being the main female role of the film.

Kathi Maio, 1990s:“Women are not only given less screen time when they are up there on the screen they are likely to be portrayed as powerless and ineffectual...Where are the triumphant woman heroes to match the winner roles men play constantly.

In action-adventure shows, only 15% of the leading characters were woman

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