Monday, 20 April 2009

essay plannsssss..xx

Outline Recent Significant Developments in One Genre Of Your Choice. Illustrate Your Answer With Examples. (June)

Introduction: explain what this essay will be including and the main purposes for this essay. State the genre that I have selected to write upon as well as the different examples of films that I will be writing about. The films I will choose have obviously been watched by me and are well linked to the genre that I will be writing about.

Paragraph one: explain the genre that I will be talking about and Hybrid genre proving that “genre is not fixed” meaning it can always be changed around or adding certain things to that genre. I will have to include information about the different texts that I will be writing about showing basic changes that have occur in the genre through technology and audiences wants.

Paragraph two: This paragraph can start to talk about the different films in more detail by comparing them to each other. Another thing I Will be doing this paragraph and the next is comparing the two films that have had a remake such as TCM and Friday 13th

Paragraph three: talk about the audience and what their expectations are link it to why their has been a change in genre to link to the audiences needs and that the audiences are getting younger therefore they are expecting different things than they did expect.

Paragraph four: this paragraph can be the discussion of SHEP and how it links to the genre changing. The idea of the final girl can relate to feminism and the social issues around us to do with women etc.

Paragraph five: coming towards the end of the essay round the points up by adding points to prove your point such as certain examples. Throughout the whole essay I will be back and forward comparing the different texts that I have chosen stating the similarities and the differences that they have towards each other.

Conclusion: conclude the points made in different paragraphs and explain how genre is changing according the evidance and talk about how it is still changing however also see both sides of the argument by explaining that some aspects of the basic traditional genre still exits.

essay plannn

Compare two examples, from different decades, of any media genre of your choice.
Describe and account for the major differences and similarities between them. (2000)


I will be introducing the two films that I will be comparing. The films that I have chosen to compare is Friday 113Th (19..) and the new Friday 13th (2009), write a little about how different the two films are and what makes them so different.Paragraph 1:

Linking the introduction to this first paragraph I will be talking in more depth about the similarities and differences between the two films and the change in storyline.

I will be able to link this to the social aspects of Shep discussing how teenager’s values and morals have changed from back then and now.

Paragraph two:

Talk about the characters and the emphasise it has on the audience. Compare the different texts characters and how they are represented is it the same in representation or has the more recent film have a much stronger effect on the audience.

Paragraph three:

This can be linked to the top paragraph however going in to more detail and talking about the technology and how that has improved the two films. This will show the deeper comparisons of the two films

Paragraph four:

Discuss how censorship effected the different decades of the movie. To explain why point more I am able to compare it to other texts that had a remaking such as TCM.
Paragraph five:

Conclude the end points and explain overall the main points of the above.

Essay Planssss

Essay Plans
How has the slasher genre inproved due to audiances and other aspects?


Introduce the slasher genre state what this essay will be about and also the purpose of this essay.

Paragraph one

In this paragraph I will be discussing the reasons why the slasher genre has changed the main reason for it changing is the audiences are having higher expectations.

Furthermore audiences are becoming younger over the years therefore their expectations are different to what they were before.

Therefore this shows that in order for the slasher genre to be as successful as it is then their must are changes done in order to attract the younger years more.

In order to emphasise the point that I am trying to get across I will be comparing two different texts to show “the other hand” that year by year the slasher genre is improving through the camera work and props etc to suit the audience’s needs, and this is why it has become so successful.

Paragraph two

Paragraph two will be talking about the audiences expectations and what they would like to see In a slasher genre. For example more action of killing shot, making the killing look much more realistic so the audience can get sadistic pleasers.

For this section to use an obvious point I will be comparing Friday 13th the original and the new Friday 13th in order to talk about the reasons why their was a new one made, and the conventions it included in order to make it better and different.

Paragraph three

In this paragraph I will be discussing the different aspects that have led to the advance of the slasher genre such as the importance and the advance in technology that has made the slasher genre and will keep maximising the slasher genre.Paragraph four

This section of the essay will be talking about SHEP and the different aspects of it. I will be linking shep to the social economical historical and political aspects to.


Conclude all my points together in order to get an overall point, that genre is changing for the audience to still carry on classifying with it.